Crafting Brand Identity: A Guided Journey

My brand identity design process is a series of steps that will take us from a blank slate to branding that’s a perfect fit. This process will not only help you focus on your goals but also narrow down a brand identity.

1. Kickoff

Get in Touch
Reach out by completing the form on the contact page. Following this, a brief call will be scheduled to delve into your project’s core and the challenges you aim to tackle. I eagerly anticipate our conversation! During this high-level discussion, we’ll map out our collaborative vision.

Proposal and Agreement
After our discussion, a tailored proposal outlining our jointly agreed-upon design package will be sent. The process typically involves:

– A 50% initial payment to proceed
– The remaining 50% upon project completion within 15 days

2. Brand Discovery Session

Every project commences with an immersive discussion involving you and relevant stakeholders. This dialogue revolves around your company’s history, objectives, target audience, and competitive landscape. We’ll dissect who your brand needs to resonate with and what sets you apart.

These insights will be condensed into a brief that will steer the course of your identity design endeavor.

3. Design Phase

Reviewing your existing branding (if available) and analyzing your competitors’ branding helps gauge your starting point and potential differentiators. Drawing from the Brand Discovery insights, I’ll curate reference images to narrow down the desired aesthetic.

Subsequently, I’ll craft the thematic foundation for your brand. Evaluating messaging, logos, colors, fonts, shapes, and images in cohesive sample layouts provides a holistic brand experience. This approach allows for adjustments to ensure every element contributes to the desired vibe. We typically explore multiple logo solutions before finalizing the one that seamlessly aligns with the overall brand identity.

Concept presentations are conducted via screen sharing, where I elucidate the research and reasoning behind each decision, making this phase an engaging experience.

4. Fine-tuning

Given the strong groundwork laid, proposed solutions often hit the mark. However, if necessary, minor adjustments will be made to further enhance the outcome.

5. Style Guide & Assets

Finally, a basic or comprehensive (based on your package) brand style guide will be crafted, encompassing all approved elements of your brand identity: strategy, logos, typography, color palette, icons, image guidelines, sample layouts, and more. This invaluable resource ensures consistency in future materials, streamlining your brand’s evolution. It empowers you and your partners to maintain brand integrity without reinventing the wheel.

Plan for a 3-4 week timeline for a typical brand identity project. If collateral marketing materials are included, consider an additional 1-4 weeks.